#T2DM, established, ***controlled Diagnosed (year). Last A1c: *** (q3-6 months), goal: <7 (FBG 70-130, postprandial <180) [<8 in elderly/low life expectancy, high risk of hypoglycemia]. Complicated by ***. Aim for aggressive early control to prevent micro/macrovascular complications--leading cause of death is ASCVD. Changes today: *** - Medications -- non insulin therapies: --- uptitrate metformin to 1g BIDAC by 500mg qweek to minimize GI side effects (caution GFR 30-45); consider B12 supplementation --- GLP/SGLT if ASCVD --- SGLT2 if HF/CKD --- DPP4/GLP/SGLT if c/f hypoglycemia --- GLP/SGLT if weight loss --- SU/TZD if cost concern -- insulin: (consider if initial A1c>10 or not at goal on 3 agents) -- statin/ASA/ACEi: (consider ASA if ASCVD risk >10%) -- FSBS frequency: (regular checks not necessary unless on insulin) - Non-medication therapies -- Diet/Nutritionist: low-carb or mediteranean -- Exercise: -- Weight loss: (goal 5-10% for obese; consider bariatic surgery if BMI>35) -- DM Education date: - Monitoring/prevention -- Microalbuminuria (annual): -- Blood Pressure < 130/80: -- Statin: moderate/high intensity, ? LDL goal <100 -- Foot Exam (annual): -- Podiatry (y/n): -- Ophthalmology (annual): -- Flu shot (annual): -- Pneumovax (before age 65, boost after): -- Hypoglycemia risk: - Workup if young, thin, fam/personal hx autoimmune dz, hyperglycemia despite PO agents, h/o DKA -- send GAD, ICA, IA2, insulin autoab -- consider hemochromatosis, CF-related, pancreatic CA, cushings, chronic pancreatitis
Originally created: June 13, 2020 by Patrick Sanger
Page Editor: not assigned
Section Editor: not assigned
Number of revisions: 0
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October 14, 2022 at 7:44 amGreat!