# Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Acute on Chronic Flare
Patient with known history of inflammatory bowel disease, who presents with likely acute flare characterized by worsening pain and increasing bloody stool frequency. Will rule out infectious etiology prior to proceeding with IV steroids.
- Serum: CBC, CMP, Lactate, ESR, CRP, INR, Full Iron panel, Prealbumin, Vitamin D level
- Stool: Cdiff, Bacterial assay/culture, fecal calprotectin. Consider O&P per clinical scenario
- Consider CT A/P if concern for extraluminal complications or acute abdominal findings
- Appreciate RN staff recording timing and quality (?bloody) of stools to assess response to therapy
- s/p *** L IVF
- IV steroids per GI pending stool studies
- DVT ppx
- NPO midnight on day of admission
- Minimize opioid use as possible, tramadol preferred
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