# Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Patient presents with acute onset of bilateral alveolar infiltrates (noncardiogenic) and hypoxemia concerning for ARDS. Likely due to ***, with common etiologies including sepsis, pneumonia/pneumonitis, meds, toxins/inhalation injury, trauma/surgery, burns, and pancreatitis. P/F ratio: *** Dx - CBC, CMP, INR, Lactate - CXR, BNP, SputumCx, BCx x2 - CPO, Telemetry Tx - ARDSnet protocol, VC 6cc/kg of ideal body weight - Goal CVP <4 - Proning, paralysis per ICU
Originally created: March 3, 2020 by Eric Lee
Page Editor: not assigned
Section Editor: not assigned
Number of revisions: 0
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